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    Integrity: we believe in community integrity, togetherness in social economic development activities, unity for more interaction and share experience in regards to the community initiatives development, respect one another and humility by involving our elder in all decisions regarding the community, competence and excellence in implementing project activities whereby knowledge sharing, experience is a key to the activities implementation, greater involvement of the community, partnership, collaboration and coordination and pursuit for happiness. We work with through consultations guided by humanitarian principles, our work are shared and reviewed with governments, stakeholders and community through a joint MEAL team to allow transparency and accountability in our activities. SOBANIC shall also uphold and esteem the following core values: Good character, godliness, love for children and elderly, sustainable livelihood, cultural community tourism, community education awareness community development, family dialogue and socially link with other SOMALY world-wide.

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    Nuncsed sed conseque a at quismodo tris mauristibus sed habiturpiscinia sed. Condimentumsantincidunt dui mattis magna intesque purus orci augue lor nibh.

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